iPhone 15 Pro Max: 5 Essential Settings to Complete Upon Unboxing

数码 2023-12-11 17:33:01 桔子生活

iPhone 15 Pro Max: 5 Essential Settings to Complete Upon Unboxing iPhone 15 Pro Max, the highly anticipated smartphone from Apple, has finally arrived. As we unbox this cutting-edge device, it is important to ensure that we make the most of its incredible features and optimize its performance. To fully unlock the potential of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, there are five essential settings that should be completed right after unboxing. These settings will enhance the user experience, improve privacy and security, and maximize the functionality of this remarkable device. Let's delve into these crucial settings and take our iPhone 15 Pro Max usage to the next level.

iphone 15新机到手后必须要完成这五个设置。


·第二,登录了apple ID之后打开设置--Apple ID--查找,打开查找我的iphone。如果手机丢了,在还没有被人捡到并恶意关机之前,手机是可以通过这个功能找回来的。

·第三,同样是在 apple id 这个页面打开密码与安全性,将双重认证打开可以防止被盗号。


·第五,打开设置里的safari浏览器,阻止跨网站跟踪、欺骗性网站警告、隐私保护广告监测等功能。打开隐藏 ipd 只功能设置为对跟踪器隐藏,这样就能更好的保护隐私。


以上就是iPhone 15 Pro Max: 5 Essential Settings to Complete Upon Unboxing的相关介绍,希望能对你有帮助,如果您还没有找到满意的解决方式,可以往下看看相关文章,有很多iPhone 15 Pro Max: 5 Essential Settings to Complete Upon Unboxing相关的拓展,希望能够找到您想要的答案。


