
影视 2023-10-11 19:26:01 桔子生活


2023 Central Broadcasting and Television Headquarters Host Competition: A Spectacle of Performances and Expert ReviewsThe highly anticipated 2023 Central Broadcasting and Television Headquarters Host Competition has officially begun, with the spotlight shining on the contestants' remarkable performances. Undoubtedly, the live commentary from renowned hosts Sa Beining and Kang Hui a

dds an extra layer of excitement. It's amazing how things have changed since the last competition in 2019, where Sa Beining was one of the hosts and Kang Hui and Dong Qing provided commentary. Now, Dong Qing has been replaced by Sa Beining, and the show is hosted by Nigemat. The only thing missing is Zhu Guangquan; otherwise, we would have the TFBOYS from CCTV sharing the stage. Th

e panel of expert judges consists of industry heavyweights such as Zhu Xun, Lu Jian, Wang Ning, Gao Bo, and Lu Yi. The competition follows a clear and straightforward format. Initially, six hosts engage in a head-to-head battle, after which six hosts challenge the previous six hosts by outscoring them. The scores from the expert judges carry a 60% weightage, while the scores from onl

ine public voting account for 40%. As the competition unfolds, it is worth noting that the current frontrunner is Feng Lin, a graduate student from Fudan University. Her impeccable appearance and eloquence have left a favorable impression on the audience. Moreover, she exhibits precision and composure, securing the highest score and claiming the top spot. It is evident that she has

thoroughly prepared and possesses great talent.The competition consists of two parts: a self-selected performance and an impromptu performance. Contestants have three minutes to showcase their self-selected performance, followed by an impromptu performance. Scores from the expert judges and online public voting are combined to determine the final score. Generally, contestants are

well-prepared, delivering excellent performances in their self-selected pieces. However, some minor errors occur during the impromptu segment, possibly due to the pressure of the moment or the limited time available. Kang Hui encourages contestants to engage with the panel and other guests during their performances, creating a sense of empathy and connection. This approach may help h

ighlight their talents even more. Kang Hui hopes that contestants will demonstrate their passion and courage throughout the competition.In conclusion, the 2023 Central Broadcasting and Television Headquarters Host Competition is off to a thrilling start. With outstanding performances from the contestants and insightful commentary from Sa Beining and Kang Hui, the competition promis

es to be a captivating spectacle. As the competition progresses, it will be interesting to see how contestants adapt and excel in both their self-selected and impromptu performances. Who will ultimately emerge as the victor and secure a place as a prominent host at the Central Broadcasting and Television Headquarters Only time will tell.央视主持人大赛:选手互动不足,赵羚淞惊艳登场央视主持人大赛近日落下帷幕,12名选手经过激烈

角逐,展现了各自的主持才华。然而,观众们发现,比赛中选手们在即兴环节和场外嘉宾互动方面存在一定不足。但最后一名登场的选手赵羚淞却巧妙避开了和其他选手互动,取而代之地提到了朱广权,这也为他赢得了一定的关注。比赛结束后,康辉还特别提到了赵羚淞的这一妙语。赵羚淞来自福建电视台,在比赛中获得了第二名的好成绩,但如果他能更多地与康辉和撒贝宁进行互动,也许他的分数会更高,甚至有机会夺得冠军。 值得一提的是,上一届参赛选手孔皓再度回归,他的表现成熟稳定,但有观众认为他的风格有点油腻。尽管如此,孔皓充分发挥了自己的语言天赋,最终获得了96.364的评分,在最后的排名中名列第四,仅次于前三名的选手。对于孔皓来说,接下来的表现非常重要,他需要努力争取更好的成绩。作为主持人,普通话的标准是必不可少的,甚至要超过常人的水平。

在本次比赛中,参赛的12名选手中只有一人在普通话发音上出现失误,这可谓是一点小小的遗憾。 进入冠军争夺阶段的六名选手将接受康辉和撒贝宁的点评。两位主持人配合默契,互相补充,给出了准确的评价。他们时而严肃,时而婉转,避免给选手们增加过多的紧张感。撒贝宁在点评冯琳时提到了她的表现有瑕疵,但意外的是,其他评委却给她很高的分数。这样的情况确实有些尴尬,但撒贝宁的评价依然客观公正。而康辉的点评则展现了高情商,没有任何炒作的噱头。综上所述,央视主持人大赛中的选手们在互动方面有所欠缺,但赵羚淞通过巧妙的回答成功引起了关注。孔皓的表现成熟稳定,但也需要注意避免过于油腻的形象。普通话的标准要求极高,每位选手都应该做到无一错误。进入决赛的六位选手将面临更大的挑战,他们需要继续努力,争取更好的成绩。在评委点评中,康辉和撒贝宁展现了默契的配合,给出了准确的评价。





