
育儿 2023-07-09 16:03:08 桔子生活

想念英语怎么写1. How to express "想念" in English?

2. The meaning of "missing"

3. How to use "missing" in sentences?

4. The importance of learning English

1. "想念" can be translated into "miss" in English. 2. "Missing" is often used to express the feeling of "想念" in English. It means feeling the absence or loss of someone or something. 3. Here are some examples of how to use "missing" in sentences:- I'm missing my family since I moved to a new city.- She is missing her old friend who moved away.- We all feel like something is missing without our usual routine. 4. Learning English is becoming increasingly important in today's society. It is a global language that is spoken by people from different countries and cultures. By learning English, we can communicate with others more effectively, study and work abroad, and have more opportunities for personal and professional growth. Therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of learning English and take every chance to improve our proficiency in the language.



